Collection: Mask collection 1

"I doubt a sleep mask will help me sleep better."

Sleep is hard for most people. There's a lot of stuff out there related to "better sleep", but we wanted to make things real simple.

☁️ Sleep hygiene - the healthy habits, behaviours and environmental factors that can be adjusted to help you have a good night's sleep - is a vital aspect to understand when you're on the path to rejuvenate your sleep quality.

☁️ Wearing a sleep mask is ONE aspect of sleep hygiene, and can significantly enhance it by promoting complete darkness, which is essential for regulating the body’s circadian rhythm . Darkness signals the brain to produce melatonin, the hormone responsible for initiating and maintaining sleep.

☁️ Exposure to light, even at low levels, can suppress melatonin production, leading to fragmented or poor-quality sleep.

☁️ A sleep mask ⛔ blocks⛔ ambient light effectively, creating an optimal environment for restorative sleep. This is especially beneficial if you are a shift worker, frequent traveller, reside in bright urban settings or simply have one too many visual stimuli in your bedroom environment.

☁️ By using a sleep mask, one can support their natural sleep cycle , which we hope in turns improves your overall health and productivity.

✅ Dozy's tip of the day: Wear your sleep mask at least 20 mins prior to your normal bedtime. Notice your body entering a drowsy state earlier than you are used to. Don't forget to place your phone away and shut the lights off!


Dozy's Sleep Team.

Interested in the topic of sleep? Check out Professor Andrew Huberman's Sleep Toolkit here.